Meeting#2 November 2021

A virtual 2h meeting held at 29 November 2021 to give an overview of current activities and tools for comparing ground-based free-tropospheric ozone retrievals, also with satellites and models.

The agenda can be downloaded here and a link to the Google Drive Map with all the presentations is here. The minutes of the meeting are available here.


  1. Introduction to HEGIFTOM: workplan, and crossover to other FWG of TOAR-II (pdf)
  2. Internal Consistency: Outcome of YEAR#1 (2021) incl. harmonized data sets; Deliverable: internal report on homogenized data sets from different data sets and their availability
  3. External Consistency/YEAR#2 : Intercomparisons and collaboration with Satellite and Re-analysis FWG
    • Homogenized ozonesonde time series: Improved agreement with independent data sets, Ryan Stauffer (NASA/GSFC) (pdf)
    • Umkehr vs. Sondes, Irina Petropavlovskikh (NOAA/GML) (pdf)
    • Intercomparing data sets through their projection onto a model grid, Yann Cohen (IPSL) (pdf)
    • Systematic use of NDACC data for monitoring the performance of the CAMS o-suite and reanalysis models, Bavo Langerock (BIRA) (pdf)
    • Open Discussion
  4. Representativeness/YEAR#3 : Collaboration with TOAR-II FWG’s on (i) Satellite Ozone and (ii) Chemical Reanalysis
  5. General Discussion (pptx)


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