Kick-Off Meeting March 2021
A three-day virtual meeting to refine the work plan and explore representativeness and intercomparisons.
The agenda can be downloaded here and a link to the Google Drive Map with all the presentations is here.
Day#1 (22/03): Workplan Internal consistency
- Introduction (Herman Smit, FZJ) (pptx)
- State of the art of the measurement platform w.r.t. (i) homogenization, (ii) uncertainties (randow-systematic), and (iii) data flagging
- IAGOS (Romain Blot, LAT) (pdf)
- Ozonesondes (Roeland Van Malderen, RMI) (pptx)
- FTIR (Corinne Vigouroux, BIRA) (pptx)
- Brewer/Dobson Umkehr (Irina Petropavlovskikh, NOAA/GML) (pptx)
- Lidar (Thierry Leblanc, NASA/JPL) (pptx)
- MAX-DOAS (Michel Van Roozendael, BIRA) (pptx)
- Pandora (Alexander Cede, Luftblick) (pdf)
- Guidelines in estimating and reporting uncertainties from the TUNER (Towards Unified Error Reporting) activity, Thomas Clarmann (KIT) (pdf)
- Discussion (pptx)
Day#2 (25/03): Representativeness (Time and Space: horizontal-vertical)
- Introduction, Herman Smit/Roeland Van Malderen (pptx)
- Cross-cutting topics between HEGIFTOM and the TOAR-II Satellite Ozone Focus Working Group, Paul Palmer (Univ. of Edinburgh) (pdf)
- Integrated use of satellite and network data to derive local to global distributions and trends, Daan Hubert, Arno Keppens, Jean-Christopher Lambert, Corinne Vigouroux, Deniz Poyraz, Roeland Van Malderen, Catherine Wespes, Pierre Coheur (BIRA+RMI+ULB) (pptx)
- Assessment of measurement representativeness by chemical reanalyses and TOAR-II chemical reanalysis Focus Working Group plan, Kazuyuki Miyazaki (NASA/JPL) (pdf)
- Possible interactions between HEGIFTOM and the TOAR-II Modelling Focus Working Group, David Plummer (Environment & Climate Change Canada) (pptx)
- Possible interactions between HEGIFTOM and SPARC OCTAV-UTLS, Luis Millan (NASA/JPL) (pdf)
- Discussion (pptx)
Day#3 (29/03): Intercomparison and exploitation
- Exploitation of the data (Year 3, e.g. trends etc.) (intro)
- Recent developments on estimating trends in non-homogeneously distributed networks and vertical profile data, Kai-Lan Chang (NOAA) (link to video)
- Discussion
- Summary on Internal Consistency (incl. discussion)
- Summary on External Consistency & Representativeness (incl. discussion)
- General Discussion + Outlook (pptx)