
Shared Socioeconomic Pathways

Belgian climate projections will be calculated by three Limited area models used in Belgium (ALARO, COSMO-CLM and MAR), and this in line with the new Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) of the Sixth and latest IPCC Assessment Report.

Focus on extreme heat, drought and precipitation

CORDEX.be II will focus on past and future extreme events, more specifically extreme heat, drought and precipitation and will develop a storyline approach to facilitate the climate stakeholders dialogue.

Strong stakeholder interaction

CORDEX.be II will maintain a close stakeholders dialogue, both from the pubic as well as private sector.

The CORDEX.be II project will contribute to the activities of the Belgian Climate Centre:

  • Systematic update of Belgian climate scenarios as one of the key activities of the Climate Centre.

  • CORDEX.be II as concrete test case to promote the creation of a Belgian climate data hub.

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