Job opportunity at the Belgian Climate Centre: Scientific Community Manager (SW1)

The Belgian Climate Centre is a federal scientific structure inaugurated in November 2022 and hosted by the Royal Meteorological Institute (RMI). The Climate Centre’s mission is to maximise the impact of scientific research on climate mitigation and adaptation. The Centre has three main objectives: (1) to strengthen and strategically coordinate scientific research from the Federal Scientific Institutions, universities and research centres; (2) to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from scientists to public and private decisions makers; (3) to guide future research programmes to effectively answer the needs of decision makers in addressing the climate crisis.

A strategic priority towards meeting these objectives is to actively engage and cooperate with the Belgian climate-related science community. The Centre is therefore looking to grow its team by hiring a Scientific Community Manager who will develop and deliver an effective scientific community strategy while also contributing their own domain of scientific expertise to the broader strategic objectives of the Climate Centre.

Job description

As Scientific Community Manager you will:

  • DevelopanddeliverprojectsaimedatengagingandcooperatingwiththeBelgianclimate science community, such as
    • ImprovingandmaintaininganinternaldatabaseofBelgianclimate
    • Overseeingthedevelopmentofapubliccatalogueof
    • developingandcustomizingMemorandaofUnderstandingforBelgianClimateCentre affiliation of various research groups and institutes;
    • Contributingtotheorganisationofthematiceventsinvolvingthescientificcommunity, as well as stakeholders
    • OverseeingresearchprogrammessuchastheWorking Groups programme
    • FacilitatingtheparticipationofBelgianscientiststointernationalprogrammesandfora, such as the IPCC, WCRP, COP, …
  • Helptoidentifyandrefinetheclimate-relatedresearchprioritiesin
  • ContributetotheexternalcommunicationoftheBelgianClimateCentreinconnectionwith your areas of expertise (e.g. articles for the website and the newsletter, media interactions, contribution to conferences and events).
  • ContributetotheoverallstrategicplanningoftheClimate

Required skills and expertise

To be considered for this position, candidates must possess at least:

-         A master diploma, either obtained in the Benelux or with a proof of equivalence of diploma (ENIC- NARIC) obtained in the Flemish or French Community, in a climate-related domain (preferably in a discipline pertaining to or closely related to one of the following domains: psychology and behavioral science, economics and finance, technology and (bio-)engineering).

In addition, the ideal candidate should be able to demonstrate:

  • Significantinterestinclimatechangescienceand
  • Thecapacityandcuriositytoworkinahighlyinterdisciplinary
  • Excellentinterpersonalandcommunication
  • organisational skills;
  • Theabilitytoalternatebetweenstrategicthinkingandmorehands-onandoperational
  • FluencyinEnglishandeitherFrenchor
  • Innovativeandcreative
  • Autonomyandsenseof
  • Astrategic,solution-oriented

Our offer

  • Theopportunitytocontributetotheestablishmentandthedevelopmentofayoungfederal structure with strong ambitions and impact in terms of policy advice
  • Astrong,motivated,anddiverseteamof
  • Afull-timeor4/5contractatthelevelSW1oftheBelgianfederalscientific
  • Mealvouchersandreimbursementoflocalpublic
  • Optionsforflexibleschedulesandpartial


To apply for this position, please send a motivation letter and curriculum vitae by email to by 1 September 2024 including the job title in the email subject.

Complementary information about the content of the position can be requested to the Scientific Director of the Climate Centre, Valérie Trouet (

For information about the work conditions, please contact the Head of Human Resources of RMI, Mrs. Cindy Overloop (

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